Oct 1, 2008

Day in telugu - Tithi

Tithi or the day is determined by the phase (shape) of the Moon, like new moon day is Amavasya and full moon day is Poornima, and similar is with the other shapes of the moon.
The first day after new or full moon day is called Paadyami, the next is Vidiya, then is Thadiya and so on as follows :
Day 1 -> Padyami - పాడ్యమి
Day 2 -> Vidiya - విదియ
Day 3 -> Thadiya - తదియ
Day 4 -> Chavithi - చవితి
Day 5 -> Panchami - పంచమి
Day 6 -> Shasthi - షస్టి
Day 7 -> Saptami - సప్తమి
Day 8 -> Asthami - అష్టమి
Day 9 -> Navami - నవమి
Day 10 -> Dasami - దశమి
Day 11 -> Ekaadasi - ఏకాదశి
Day 12 -> Dwadasi - ద్వాదశి
Day 13 -> Triodasi - త్రిఒదసి
Day 15 -> Chaturdasi - చతుర్దశి
Then again Full moon/Poornima - పూర్ణిమ
or new moon/Amavasya - అమావాస్య.


Mahankali Vidya Sagar said...

Sir please tell the Fourtheenth Thithi in this list

Anonymous said...

Please tell the 14th Thithi in this list.

Singamalai said...

-by singamalai.....

Unknown said...

Chaturdashi is fourteenth...